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This can be achieved through its specialisation in photovoltaic solar panels and aerothermal energy. Its services are aimed at companies, industry, SMEs, homeowners' associations and private individuals. It collaborates actively with the Association of Property Administrators of Barcelona and Lleida. This is how we offer our renewable energy solutions, through the installation of solar panels for neighbour-owner communities.

Nieves Energía is an energy group with over 30 years of experience offering renewable energy solutions (photovoltaic and aerothermal) for industry, communities and individuals.

  • Get a personalised, individual quote WITHOUT obligation
  • In-house team of engineers and installers for photovoltaic panels and aerothermal systems
  • Advice and help to locate subsidies and allowances (real estate tax, income tax deductions)
  • Start-up, legalisation, transport and technical support visits FREE OF CHARGE
  • Turnkey projects, paperwork-free.
  • The number-one company for surplus compensation, with Nieves Electricidad y Gas

accion social nieves energia